09 Feb

Path of Exile official website has revealed a few days ago that the latest league Betrayal in the game will be succeeded by next expansion 3.6.0 in the next month. This means the Betrayal League, which is exactly two months from its debut in Path of Exile on December 10th, 2018, will be shut down within one month. Grinding Gear Games underlined the Betrayal Expansion in the announcement by sticking out the "Betrayal Supporter Packs" coming to an end soon in its title, instead of boasting about the upcoming new successor. 

Although it's a less bright and more undisguised  "Clearance Sale" strategy for Grinding Gear Games bringing up the news in this way, the latest Betrayal League is absolutely a hit for the game and the company and what this expansion has achieved really takes most of audiences breath away. In the first week of its debut, Betrayal League intrigued over 1 million players and set a new record for the peak and average of in-game active players which any of other leagues haven't been able to surpass in last four years. Grinding Gear Games even issued a thanks letter to the new and returning players and the crew that had participated in constructing this league. Undoubtedly, the Betrayal league to Path of Exile is the same as the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo, significant and closely attached.

But the truth is, Grinding Gear Games wouldn't stop development and break this record in the near feature. As the league is about to be terminated soon, the sales campaign of correlative products in the store has been in full cry lately and now it preps up for the last call to the players and consumers. You can get it all the purchasable cosmetics and in-game equipment involved with Betrayal League through here. 

From what we've heard about, the announcement and introduction of the new league will be published on February 19th, while the whole project will go live on March 8th in the first debut for PC. Obviously, we are not the only one who didn't happen to catch a glimpse of the whole picture of the new league, not even its name or theme. So now we are waiting for the new information and more details from the official billboard and then pass them on to all of you instantly as soon as we get them. 

MMOAH.com now opened up a New POE Currency counter and genuinely welcome all the gamers have been yearning for POE Orbs, Items, and other types of POE Currency in new Betrayal League. Feel free to drop by there some time, if you purchase now, you will be given a coupon code - "BETRAYAL" for free, which can save you 6% off for every order on MMOAH. MMOAH guarantee every order for POE currencies only takes less than 30 minutes to deliver straight to your in-game character in person under most thoughtful and secured delivery method, as well as at the fewest expense out of your pocket.

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