17 Jan

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MapleStory 2 devs team finally stepped up for genuinely paying attention to what its player base thinks and wants, even if, as a matter of fact, they haven't been able to address certain catastrophes or apply some viable ideas from fans into the game in the first place.

Jungsoo Lee, the general manager of Nexon America and the leader of the MapleStory 2 devs team, after drawing back intentionally from the center of the media storm for almost one month, was now back to the game and officially announced his elaborate project for MapleStory 2 in the official website. 

As opposed to the previous producer blog the spokesman has always published, today's announcement was peculiarly out of ordinary, where he uncommonly indicated that the devs team desperately intend to hear the opinions, rants, suggestions and other forms of feedback from MapleStory 2 fanbase. The feedback collection is seemingly so prominent that he publicly rolled out a 3-month project called "feedback initiative", which will massively gather all feedback from the game community after the devs team comes up with all viable solutions for any in-game issues or "pain points" and reveal them to players.

What the producer really need for is clearly more than a simple"name-and-address" straight line. He seems to be bent on establishing a higher-engagement folksy communication environment where devs and player base will work hand-in-glove together and there is no barrier to argue about the issues and anything else between two parties. However, the ideal wonderland formulating in his brain doesn't strike others, especially tons of apathetic former MapleStory 2 advocates, as being profoundly effective in the near future. 

As fixating on the "overall ecosystem of the game" that optimally ensure both satisfied progression and enjoyment on players with much time invested in, the producer blog listed a patch of topics as to obstacles in the way of reaching to the best state of the game. Below is the list:

  • Enchanting Improvements
  • Gemstone Upgrade Improvements
  • Socket Opening System Improvements
  • Addressing Meso Economy by
  • Adjusting Meso Sinks
  • Introducing Meso Market (with adjustments from other services)
  • Introducing Gear Trade (with restrictions)
  • Epic Pets Improvements
  • Gemstone Related Resource Gathering Process Improvements
  • And more

Theatrically, on the one hand, Jungsoo Lee pledged hypocritically to build a more uninhibited and tolerable communication environment  while on the other hand clamoring for the MapleStory 2 community being obedient and deferential, by letting everyone "hang tight and try not to jump to conclusions yet" and "respect the development studio and let the studio lead the discussion for each topic".

As to random aspects of progression and it corelative RNG topic, the producer blog made a clear statement that those issues will not be discussed and changed in the future and the current RNG state in the game is perfect, while turning a blind eye to hundreds of rants and raves have been rolling in the community for a long time.

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If you are not satisfied enough with the amount of currencies you have been rewarded with, including Treva, Rue, Havi Fruit, Blue/Red Stars by completing all kinds of missions and quests, there is a special place for you to pay a visit and benefit from - MMOAH. It has been dedicated to the MS 2 Mesos' transactions for months since it had been released. And Prove himself as one of the cheapest product on the market when it comes to MapleStory 2 Mesos. Not only the product itself seduced thousands of players placing their orders on the website, but the service, especially the delivery of its products intrigued more and won against other companies.

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