26 Mar

MapleStory 2 is now celebrating the final result of a poll which was held back in Valentine's day just to pick up the most popular NPC in the game, as well as rewarding the participants in this poll with some giveaways that won't be dispatched until the Mar. 28th update.

The Valentine's poll, which was originally one of the last sections of the so-called "Decadent Delivery Event", is designed to collect the data of which Maple World denizen is most lovable in the game and then sort all six candidates and choose the winner by votes. 

Maplers even get rewards at the start of this event simply by giving you hand-made chocolates to the favorite candidate of yours. Of course, crafting your own chocolates and sending them as a vote is actually part of the task too. If you complete your vote, you will be rewarded with five more Valentine's exclusive chocolates plus some other bonus on a daily basis. 

I am thrilled to tell you that the vote has now officially come to an end and the winner of this poll is eventually settled. Peachy, the overgrown explorer-attired girl with a thatch of hair, has just hit the jackpot and became the winner of the contest. She won first place by 29%, which is only 3% higher than the runner-up Schatten. 

According to the rules of this contest, the winner Peachy will get a prize of a Love Tornado Ground Mount created with her likeness. And everyone who participated in the poll can claim a special mount as a reward in the next update. The reward won't be expired until 3 months later. 

However, once the reward is claimed and received, you can not sell or trade it for something else in the game again. Yet it's feasible to transform that into one of your alternate accounts from the original account. 

Anyway, if anyone wants more equipment and advanced gear in Maplestory 2, feel free to drop our store by and have a look around the encounter we have that especially provides MapleStory 2 Mesos. You will love that, I promise.

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