03 Mar

Earlier today in the morning, Path of Exile unveiled three unique microtransaction rewards that will be deployed to the 12th, 24th, and 36th challenges in the upcoming Synthesis league for every player who will take part in the challenges.

There is an attached video in the post showing what these prizes look like. The helmet called Synthesis Crown, which will be the first prize after completing 12 challenges, looks more like a golden tiara and seems perfect for female-figure characters. The crown is inlaid with a giant sapphire and therefore demonstrates the quality of rarity and luxury. 

The second prize is a pet that can be earned by finishing 24 challenges in Synthesis league. This pet, which absolutely is proved not to have any trace of existing animals' figures, is a total lackey that is compounded between technology and fantasy. This pet is ball-shaped and sort of floating in the air around you once it becomes your underling. Of course, like any else pets in history, he will follow you throughout any adventures and paths you will take in the game. 

The third prize is a decorative wing that you can put on as a costume for your character. The wing kind of left the "branches-made giant kite" impression to me at first glance. The wing, personally speaking, is a symbol of simplism that might speak for a fantasy-filled painter. Anyway, it's not too drastic or abstract to naturally push you away just by staring at it. it's sparkling in a unique way. 

In addition to these exclusive prizes, anyone completing at least 19 challenges in the Synthesis league will be rewarded with a trophy, which is basically a cylinder-shaped stone pillar with exotic flags and a hawk statue carved. 

There are also some details on Betrayal league migration in this post alongside the prizes news. To view more details, here is the link of full contents. We are not about to go into more details. 

Synthesis league will be available on PC on March 8th, on Xbox One on March 11th. 

In a word, Betrayal is losing out to Synthesis, and Path of Exile is currently peddling their soon-to-be-expired Betrayal-branded sets of products on the store with all sorts of discounts information and promotional campaigns rolling out like a man possessed. Also, there is a rumour saying POE Items and POE Currencies in the game are more remarkably accessible and tradeable. I am sure that'd be just an isolated circumstance for the Betrayal league if the statement was confirmed.

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