23 Jan

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Jagex has made an announcement to patch up the completionist cape in Runescape, which was considered to be trapped in a quagmire of disappointments and arguably conflict with the original intent behind the design. To emphasize the size of this upcoming rework, Jagex specifically brought back the dev blog and discussed all the details regarding what kind of problems and remedies the completionist cape have and will receive. You can click here for the view of the whole dev blog.

To make a long story short, what phrase the completionist cape are experiencing now is quite alarming and worrisome. According to Jagex statement, the completionist cape would have been more intriguing and funnier than the old ones after each perfection, however, today's completionist cape get lashed out and become rather repulsive instead. All the mess turned into a predicament where any other significant improvements the devs made in an update are completely spoiled in the RuneScape players eyes by either they choose to downplay the comp requirement or not.

Narrowing down the problematic spectrum and locating the real issues, all the reasons that brings the Completionist Cape into the biggest frustration can be included in four aspects: First,  the people who most benefit from the stats and utility on the completionist cape are not the same people who enjoy the content and challenge that comp provides. This is the first and biggest problem we need to fix; Second, lack of strict and specific definition of what fits on the completionist cape and trimmed comp all the time; Third, the specific recurring problematic requirements in reaper and castle wars; Fourth, there is no endgame for many players after they max the comp.

Surprisingly, given that the significance and nuance of this highly requested improvement of the completionist cape, instead of dogmatically put forward a batch of patches, the devs team prefer to take a poll and extensively is soliciting public opinions of what players approve or not. The poll, which has gone live in the game already, is reportedly more of a survey about seeking opinions of several issues than a yes/no guaranteed content poll. It originally is set up for "finding a solution which works for a (hopefully) overwhelming majority of players and improving the game for everyone."

What the Jagex expect from a poll like this is a deep interaction with the players and the community again. Not intended to be hard on the project, but if any size of controversy within the community occurred in the game once the update of comp is released, hundreds, maybe even thousands of core audiences will tear into the devs harder or quit the game at worst.  

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