20 Jan

Image result for fifa 19 finesse shot

There is possibly a gameplay problem in FIFA each year that besets and slightly devastate the online playing experience. And this year it's an issue of most FIFA fans' acquaintance, finesse shooting, which has been intensified in the past but nerfed in recent years.

If you've been into the FIFA 19 competitive matches and activities - and this becomes increasingly genuine the farther climb up the competitive ladder - you'll know that finesse shots are a problem and stand for a majority of goals scored. If you have adequate awareness and experience in the game, a finesse shot from the right angle and distance is almost an automatic goal, meaning the victory of the goal is sealed, unless the other player really is the master of controlling their goalkeepers, which most aren't. 

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As a result, FIFA 19 fans have been ranting on the Internet about the appear-to-be easy exploit for a while now, meanwhile, there's been no patch or anything that has really addressed the issue. However, changes are bound to happen anyway. 

Corey Andress, a community manager at EA and usually the source of what's coming in the next FIFA patch, has exposed on Twitter that the devs team is working on a fix to finesse shooting.

The patch will apparently be deployed sometime soon, according to the reveal, before the end of January, and along with multiple career-mode patches, such as the scheduling issues of fixtures and an over-tight schedule that games are arranged right on top of each other. 

Unfortunately, Andress doesn't reveal any specifics regarding how EA plans on patching up finesse shooting, which surely can't be a piece of cake, especially when you give a thought about how much it could disrupt the current meta. Whatever the case though, we should know more soon. 

Personally, I think the intensification of finesse shooting has gotten out of control. Hopefully, a fix doesn't penalize players with good ball movement but just rather decline the number of light-hearted certain finesse shots seem to generate. For example, N' Golo Kante shouldn't be hitting curling beauties from 35 yards out. That's theoretically unrealistic and not fun at all.

Image result for fifa 19 finesse shot

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