25 Feb

Path of Exile unveiled more details regarding the soundtrack improvements and add-ons in the next Synthesis League on the official announcement. Some in-game areas will have different ambient soundtracks from the ones used for now while a few soundtracks of others have been remastered and will have been added in the game in on time. 

There is a presentation video of these upcoming soundtracks of Path of Exile areas from the next Synthesis League on Youtube. However, the players' reaction towards these changes didn't reach a consensus. Some of the viewers said these improvements are "worthy in time" while a few couldn't pass over the "mediocrity" and "incongruity" these changes brought to the game. Well, some others even explicitly acknowledged that none of the soundtracks or their up and downs whatsoever mattered so much to them cause they have their "own things".

Although criticism towards some aspects of the update seemingly never break off, widespread praises of Merviels Cavern track and Shakira sound emerged and grew like a snowball since the video had been published. Public opinion has polarized on the overall quality of these soundtracks, even the soundtrack specialist and developer from Grinding Gear Games. Some reviewers held a positive attitude while a few commenters battered the changes which aren't intentionally motivated by the urge of perfection or an impulse to improvise, instead, are made for the sake of changes. 

"Kamil's music is SUPER generic. Aside from a couple of good tracks, he makes the most run-of-the-mill kind of stuff there is. Changing, "remixing" Lioneye's Watch soundtrack is just a horrible idea. Who even approves all these nonsensical changes? Is it just a change for the sake of change, so the game doesn't get stale? This is why people don't play the game with its music on."

The Synthesis league of Path of Exile will go live on March 8th on PC, 11th on Xbox One and mid-March on PS4. 

MMOAH.com now opened up a New POE Currency store and welcome all the gamers have been yearning for POE Orbs, Items, and other POE Currency in new Betrayal League. Take a look at the new store, if you purchase now, you will be given a coupon code - "BETRAYAL" for free, which can save you 6% off for every order on MMOAH. 

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